Our Services
Injury is a natural occurrence in everyday life. Each physiotherapist is highly skilled in assessing your injury by asking lots of questions to help us work out the ‘puzzle’, carefully listening to what you have to say. Then we use a large array of assessment tools, helping us put together a diagnosis and find the ‘driver’ of your pain. You’ll be surprised this isn’t always as obvious as it seems because your whole body is connected. For example, the pain in your foot could be coming from your tight hip or the fall you had as a kid is related to your low back pain.
We then provide you with realistic time frames and together we come up with your short term and long-term goals. Our main goal is to relieve your pain, not only for obvious reasons but also it helps your exercise program be more efficient. This is because the pain unfortunately ‘inhibits’ the surrounding muscles to work at their optimum. Hence why exercises are an integral component of getting better and preventing the pain
from returning.
We have many skills that get you to your goals, such as excellent hands-on skills, acupuncture, taping and a graded approach to your rehab. This involves the use of Real time Ultrasound and EMG biofeedback. By seeing what you are doing on the screen and which muscles are turning on, it takes the guesswork out of what will work and guides the program as you improve.
At The Physio, Rehab and Health Clinic we provide
classes as an adjunct to what we do with you 1:1.
Your physiotherapist may recommend a class for you
as part of your health journey. There are two types of classes we offer:
Physio Gym Sessions (PGS)
A personalised program setup by the physiotherapist and supervised closely, progressing the patient as improvements occur. They are 1hr sessions with a maximum of 4 participants, all performing their own personalised programs. This can involve the use of gym balls, resistance bands, lightweights, bodyweight, Pilates Reformer, exercise bike and more depending on your goals.
Physio Pilates
A combination of physiotherapy exercise principles and traditional Pilates principles makes for a very functional and effective class. If you want to tone, build strength and endurance in all muscle groups this is the one for you! This is a mat class with a maximum of 5 people.
To join our classes you must have a screening session with one of our physiotherapists first.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy has always been associated with physiotherapy as it assists in the management and recovery of an injury and has both physiological and psychological benefits. Whether it’s for relieving tight muscles and/or improving flexibility it aids in prevention of injury and achieving optimal performance.
If accumulative strain and stressors don’t get addressed,
it can lead to pain and impaired function. Our massage therapist is highly qualified in the following:
Remedial massage
Lymphatic massage
Pregnancy massage
Remedial hot stone massage
It’s hard to keep up with all the latest diets and dietary advice out there now, and not only that, it’s not a one size fits all approach. Sure, the advice of ‘eat less refined carbohydrates, less processed foods, and more focus on real, whole food’ benefits us all however it doesn’t address the patient’s bio-individuality. Standard nutrition focuses on the nutritional facts, such as a food or food group’s ability to promote or damage health (whether it's “good”
or “bad” for you).
Functional nutrition looks at these facts too, but in the context of an individual’s physiological makeup/genetics and how they live, such as how often they move, food choices, environment, their stress levels or the presence
of chronic disease. This is where treating the patient as a whole comes in, as its all good for the physiotherapist to give exercise advice etc but if the patient isn’t taken care
of the rest of their body it could be contributing to the
pain response.
Our clinic has a highly qualified functional nutritionist onsite to assist in your health journey.
Click on the link to learn more about Marie and to make a booking: https://nutrified.com.au/
Pelvic Physiotherapy
The pelvis has 3 points in which can refer pain, the pubic bone at the front and the 2 dimples (sacroiliac joints - SIJ) at the back. We have noticed over the years, once a patient has received a diagnosis and appropriate treatment, they question why it has taken this long to find a solution. This is because the treating physician and therapist must have further training in this area to know what to look for.
At The Physio, Rehab and Health Clinic we have extensive knowledge and clinical experience in treating the pelvis, low back and hips.
Some of the causes of SIJ/Pelvis pain:
Motor vehicle accident
Overload or repetitive strain
Sub-optimal biomechanics and posture
How can physio help:
A thorough assessment of your history and body is performed, specifically how you load your pelvis and the impact on the rest of your body’s biomechanics
and vice versa.
Speciality tests to diagnose a pelvic injury.
Possible referral to a Women’s Health
Physiotherapy as the relationship of the pelvis and
its internal muscles are integral and may be impacting your progress.
Treatment may include:
Manual therapy techniques such as OMT
and muscle energy -
Specific exercise prescription with the use of
Real Time Ultrasound and EMG to asses your core
and hip muscles (Pelvic Floor, Transverse abdominus, Iliacus and Quadratus Femoris). -
A Core stability belt
TMJ Physiotherapy
Did you know physios can treat the jaw? Do you grind or clench your teeth? Maybe you don’t even realise you clench your teeth in your sleep. Some of the indicators that you may do this are:
waking up with a headache or sore ear/cheek.
tooth pain but the dentist cannot find anything wrong.
blocked ear but no sign of infection.
frequent headaches.
The most common type of headache is a tension type of headache followed by a cervicogenic (arising from the neck) and migraines.
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is also another region that can contribute to a headache. For e.g., in people who chronically clench their teeth (bruxism) or tooth grind. Studies have shown that 80% of young adults grind their teeth during the deeper stages of their sleep.
A cervicogenic headache starts in the neck or at the base
of the skull to up and around the eye and is usually on one side of the head. Whereas a tension type of headache presents on both sides along with a tight pressure feeling around the head.
Migraines tend to initiate in the forehead and usually
have a pulsing quality. They are usually on one side of the head but can alternate between episodes. There may be accompanied with sensitivity to light and sound, aura,
and nausea.
The good news is physiotherapy can help! A specific assessment is performed to identify the type of
headache and the extent the musculoskeletal system is contributing to it. All factors are taken into consideration, such as posture, TMJ, stress, dietary influences, and hormonal changes.
Once the above is established a combination of hands-on therapy and posturally specific exercise program is prescribed. Tips and advice regarding modifying or avoiding triggers is provided and in regard to the TMJ (Jaw) a more detailed assessment and specific gentle jaw exercises are given.
You may also be referred to a dentist or GP if there are underlying factors that are yet to be addressed.